Tattoo Aftercare
Now that your tattoo is finally complete, it is VERY important to have a good a aftercare routine. Your fresh tattoo is essentially an open wound and needs to be treated properly to avoid infection and complications that could arise from improper care and hygiene.
Tattoo aftercare instructions continue to change as the industry evolves and new products and techniques make their way to your favourite studios.
Whichever method you choose to follow, it is important to stick to it until the tattoo is fully healed!
The ideal healing regiment will protect it from outside bacteria and foreign objects. This is why when possible, an adhesive backed transparent film is the preferred method.
There are instances when due to sensitive skin or allergies, adhesives cannot be applied long term to the skin. In these instances, a wet heal method using a sterile bandage or film is best.
Some prefer to dry heal their tattoos. This is not recommended however due to skin sensitivity, it is sometimes necessary.